SHADOWBROOK RESPONSE to COVID-19: NAI Plotkin has remained committed to meeting all of our property management needs during the last few years, with modifications as needed to support safe operations. Please contact management via email, phone, or through your online portal, should any maintenance issues arise.  

The Board of Trustees has been meeting online following our normal schedule, and management staff continue to be available to residents and in contact with the Board. Outdoor work and projects continue as planned. Though our regular contractors have experienced some staffing and supply issues since the pandemic began in 2020, they have been able to meet their contractual obligations to us with no interruptions and we are most appreciative of their work on our behalf. 

The 2022 Annual Owners Meeting was held at 7:00pm on Tuesday, November 30, 2021 via Zoom. We welcomed the new owners of three units to our community in 2022. A quorum of owners was represented at the meeting. Two Trustee candidates for re-election ran unopposed; Marybeth Magoffin and Nancy Reinke were re-elected to three-year terms. Thank you to all of our Shadowbrook owners for your support and patience, and for your thoughtful questions and suggestions, which help the Board and management to better serve our community.