CANCELLATION NOTICE: As the forecast indicates 3-5 inches of snow in the evening is possible, a decision has been made to cancel the KYT Holiday Social planned for Thursday, December 15, 2022. KYT wishes everyone a happy holiday season and
South Hadley Housing Production Plan Launch
Do you want to help shape housing in our community? Does someone you know face challenges with housing in South Hadley? Do you want housing that can serve all our needs? The Town of South Hadley asks for your help
Santa’s Land 2022 at Buttery Brook Park
Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves enjoyed their online visits with kids in 2020 and 2021, but everyone is looking forward to being back at the Park for in-person visits at this year’s Santa’s Land. Lights and decorations have been
Living with Coyotes
Many residents at Shadowbrook have noted the abundant wildlife with whom we share our community. In addition to foxes, bunnies, and hawks, animals such as bears, fisher cats, and coyotes have been seen on our grounds and in the adjacent
Shadowbrook Annual Meeting–Save the Date!
Our Annual Owners Meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. The meeting will be held online as this has proved convenient for our owners and weather conditions will not be a concern. The participation of owners in
KYT Candidates Night for the November 8 Election
Know Your Town (KYT) will host a virtual Candidates Night forum at 7:00pm on Thursday, October 27, 2022. KYT member Carol Constant will moderate the program. Participating candidates include: –Dean Martilli, candidate for U.S. Representative in Congress, 1st District–John M. Comerford,
South Hadley Library Online Author Events
The South Hadley Public Library offers free, online author talks in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium. Upcoming events include author Kate Quinn on October 25, Lisa Napoli on November 2, and Bonnie Gamus on November 10. For a schedule
Saving Lives 2022 at Buttery Brook Park
Food, Entertainment, and AED Training EventSaturday, October 22, 2022 at Buttery Brook Park (rain date 10.23) A new AED (Automated External Defibrillator) was recently installed at the front of the Log Cabin adjacent to the playground at Buttery Brook Park, located at 123
Bike/Walk to host Oct. 16 guided Trek at River to Range Trail
The South Hadley Bike/Walk Committee is holding a free, guided Trek this Sunday. Participants of all ages and new Trekkers are always welcomed! River to Range Loop TrekSunday, October 16, 2022 at 1:00pm(meet in the parking area at 12:45pm) Trailhead adjacent to
November 8 Election information for South Hadley voters
Massachusetts voters can now vote early by mail in all elections with no excuse required. In South Hadley, in-person voting will be offered October 22 to November 4 during early voting hours at the Town Clerk’s office, and on Election